Ready to save on insurance?
Since 1955, Brya Insurance has helped residents of Champaign-Urbana as well as thousands across Illinois & Indiana save on their insurance needs.
We have over 70+ companies that we represent; so we can shop to find you the insurance that best meets your needs and budget.

Fast, Easy, and Affordable Insurance since 1955.
Are you ready to join the thousands of people Brya has helped find quality, affordable insurance coverage?
Insurance Simplified
Products for all of your insurance needs
Whether you are looking for insurance for your car, motorcycle, home, health, life, or business; Brya can help find the coverage you need at an affordable price.
Protection for your car(s) from accident, theft, fire, or vandalism.
Homeowners & Renters
Insurance for your home and belongings whether you are a home owner or renter .
Protection and financial security for your family and loved ones.
Protection for your motorcycle(s) from accident, theft, fire, or vandalism..
A wide range of commercial insurance products tailored to protect your business.
SR22 Auto Insurance
SR-22 is a form that your insurance company files with the state to provide evidence of insurance. Reasons for needing an SR-22 include a DUI, reckless driving and/or driving without insurance
Other Insurance Needs?
We can handle your additional insurance needs.
ATV, Boat, Golf Cart, Personal Umbrella, Mobile Home, RV, Trailer
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